Fiscal Offences
Our firm's areas of expertise include criminal tax law.
Michael Kaufmann Specialist lawyer for criminal law / Partner
Focus areas
Career trajectory
- Studied law in Trier
- Legal clerkship in the OLG district of Saarbrücken
- 2000 Admitted to the bar and joined the law firm Kropp Haag Hübinger
- 2004 Admission to the law firm Kropp Haag Hübinger
- 2006 Admitted as a specialist lawyer for criminal law
- Judge at the Bar Court in the district of the Saarland Bar Association
- Traffic Law Working Group of the German Bar Association
- Saarland Bar Association
- Co-author of the standard work on liability law: Geigel, Der Haftpflichtprozess, most recently 28th ed. 2020, Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich;
- Mitgegangen, mitgefangen, mitgehangen - spouses in the focus of criminal and tax sanctions, NJW 2021, 893 (together with Peter Bilsdorfer);
- The failed voluntary disclosure as an entry ticket for an effective voluntary disclosure, BB 2021, 535 (together with Peter Bilsdorfer);
- The "temporary tax reduction" - a "practically unknown entity"? AO-Steuerberater 2021, 137 (together with Peter Bilsdorfer);
- The contagiousness of the contagion - or: Unlimited blocking effect for voluntary tax disclosures?, DStR 2020, 1030 (together with Peter Bilsdorfer)